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ABOUT 2ala5 class.................

1- Healthy again:

a letter


I have received your letter and I'm sorry to know that you have a backache and that you are going to try acupuncture. I'd like to tell you that acupuncture treatment is not so painful as you think .

Acupuncture treatment is very easy .The acupuncturist will check you to know where he will insert the needles .Then he begins to insert the needles .You will feel a little pinch only when each needle goes in . The needles will stay in place for fifteen minutes. After that you will feel better .I hope you will try acupuncture and get better soon.



2-Have you ever needed medical treatment?

A few years ago I had a painful shoulder and decided to try acupuncture. I was afraid and I thought it would be very painful, but one of my friends encouraged me to go to an acupuncturist.

The acupuncturist checked me and brought seventeen long needles .He began to insert the needles .He didn't insert the whole needle and I felt only a little pinch. After fifteen minutes, he removed the needles. He repeated this treatment every other day for two weeks. After that, my shoulder was much better.



when you were a little child,were you a" brat" sometimes, or were you always an "angel"?

When I was a little child, I used to be a brat. I used to play in the street and strike little boys. I ran away when they cried. I always turned the TV up while my parents were sleeping. Sometimes I used to play ball in the living room and once I broke the glass of the window and two vases.

But I was not always a brat. Sometimes I was an "angel" . I rarely did anything that made my parents go crazy as some boys did.


4-Do you think children in different countries

behave differently?

Or do you think children everywhere behave the same way?

I think children in different countries behave differently. Children are naturally affected by their background and society in which they live . Since habits and traditions differ from one country to another, so the behavior of children should not be the same in all countries. On the other hand, we notice that children in different countries may behave the same way in some aspects. All children everywhere, for example, like to play with matches and do things that attract the attention of the other.


5-The System of Education in Syria .

The system of education in Syria consists of three stages: primary, intermediate and secondary. Children start primary school at the age of six and finish it when they are twelve. Then they study at the intermediate school for three years. At the end of this stage, they take an exam. Those who score high marks can go to ordinary secondary schools, whereas the others go to different vocational schools .Both study for three years.

At the end of secondary stage, students take an important exam .Those who get high marks can go on to the university .The others may go to intermediate institutes or stop studying and look for jobs.


6-being green

We need to be green to continue our survival on the earth. We need to live a healthy life on our beautiful planet. We can be green by keeping the forests and growing planets, by fighting pollution, by recycling used materials, and by economizing on natural resources. To be green , we have to look for clean ways of supplying energy other than oil and coal. We should use bikes or ride sharing to reduce pollution. We have to do all these things because our children have the right to clean environment and green earth.


7-The Environmental Pollution

There are several kinds of environmental pollution. They include air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and pollution caused by solid wastes, noise and radiation.

The environmental pollution has harmful effects on life on Earth. Air pollution may kill the plants and animals and it may harm our health.

Water pollution reduces the amount of pure, fresh water that is available for drinking. Acid rain damages the trees . pollution has caused holes in the ozone layer. Indeed, pollution threatens our existence Earth.


8-Air Pollution:

Air pollution turns clear, odorless air into hazy, smelly air that kills the plants and harms the health. Carbon dioxide threatens the world climate by causing a gradual warming of the earth . As a result, the polar ice caps will release more water into the oceans raising the sea levels worldwide.

Besides, this global warming causes dangerous climatic changes: floods in some parts of the world and drought in others. The annual rainfall has dropped in some countries and increased in other.


9-Water Pollution:

Water pollution reduces the amount of pure fresh water that is available for drinking, swimming and fishing. Some poisonous gases dissolve water in the atmosphere and then fall to the earth as acid rain which damages trees and can kill fish in lakes and rivers. The pollutants that affect water come from industries, farms and sewage systems. Industries dump huge amounts of waste products into bodies of water. Wastes from farms include animal wastes, fertilizers and pesticides. Sewage system carry wastes from homes, offices and factories into water.


10-The Ozone Layer:

The ozone layer is a layer of gas high above the surface of the earth. It helps to protect us from the sun's ultraviolet radiation, which can damage our skins and cause cancer.

Scientists have recently discovered holes the ozone layer caused by substances called CFCs . Some companies now make aerosols that don't contain CFCs. There are marked "Ozone - friendly "


11-My Future Career:

My future career should be based on two things: my personal abilities and what my society needs. Since I was in the primary school,

I have always thought of becoming a teacher. Indeed, I love teaching

in spite of the fact that it is a very tiring job. I can both teach

and guide my students. They will be my friends inside and outside school.

On the other hand, there is a growing need for good teachers in

our schools. These teachers will build up new generations of doctors,

engineers, teachers, business men and other blue-collar workers whom

our society needs.


12- The Computer And Its Uses:

A computer is a system which consists of hardware and software.

Hardware means the computer and any equipment connected to it. It includes

the cpu, memory unit and input-output units. These

units are controlled by the software or the programs.

Computers are built to do many useful things. They help people with

Jobs at home, school or work. They help us play games and have fun. They

can process data to produce useful information. People can communicate

with computers and can " talk " over the telephone to other computers

and send messages to people around the world by the E-mail.


13- matter: States of Matter:

The whole world around us is made of matter. Everything you see or touch is matter. Matter can exist in four different states : it exists as solid like a brick , a liquid like milk, a gas like steam or it can be plasma like lightning.

All matter is made up of tiny particles .In a solid ,the particles are held very close together. In a liquid ,the particles are not held together as tightly as in a solid . The particles in a gas are very far apart . Most of the matter in the universe is plasma . Lightning is a kind of plasma . the sun and most of the stars are plasma.


14- Atoms:

Everything is made up of atoms, which are tiny pieces of matter. They are too small to be seen under a microscope. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons are located in the center or nucleus of the atom. Electrons move around the nucleus at great speeds.

Electrons have a negative electric charge, whereas protons have a positive one, and neutrons have no electric charge. The number of protons in an atom determines its atomic number. A neutral atom has the same number of electrons and protons and has no electric charge.


15- Elements:

Elements are the simplest form of matter . An element is made of only one kind of atom, therefore an element cannot be broken down into different substances . Elements in the universe count up to 109. Every element in different from all other elements. This means that atoms of one element have a different number of particles . Only oxygen atoms have eight of each particles. Some matter is made up of more than one element . Water, for example , has the elements of hydrogen and oxygen.


16- The Solar System:

The solar system consists of the sun , the planets and a number of satellites and asteroids. The sun is the center of the solar system . The planets revolve around it. There are nine planets : Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,

Neptune and Pluto .

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun , while Pluto is the most distant one. The Earth is the third planet from the sun and it is the only inhabited planet in the solar system . The planets receive their heat from the sun. Therefore, the hottest spot is on Mercury and the coldest spot is in Pluto.


17- The Incredible Human Body

Blood In The Human Body:

Blood is very important to the body. It is called "the river of life ". It carries oxygen to every part of the body in less than a minute. It supplies the cells of the body with water and nourishment. It takes oxygen from the lungs and remove carbon dioxide. The average body has about six liters of blood. The circulation of blood through the lungs takes only 6 seconds.

Finished>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>18- Our Five Senses:

Our five senses tell us about the world. Our ears bring us words and language. Our eyes let us see the world and have color perception. Three thousand buds tell us whether our food is sweet, sour ,salty or bitter. Smell helps us identify thousands of different odors. Through touch, our skin gives us information about temperature and texture. It even helps us stay alive through its warning system : pain.

All of these messages speed along a network of nerves. The information goes to the brain. The brain, nerves and senses are the control and communication system of the body.


19- Food And The Human Body:

in order to function, the body needs fuel. We get this fuel through the food we eat. The digestive system is the fuel processing plant for the body. Here food is broken down to be used to build and repair the body, and to give us energy.

The energy in food is measured in calories. The body uses calories for all its activities. The unused calories are stored in the body as fat.


20- How Many Calories you need depends on the amount of energy your body needs.

To lose weight, what do you need to do?

If you are active, your body needs lots of energy. The calories you take in will be used up and you won't get fat. But if you are not active enough, the extra calories will not be used up and you will gain weight.

To lose weight, you have to do two things. First you have to exercise more to use more calories. Second, you can cut down on high-calories foods and you have to abstain from eating amply calories and junk foods.


21- Health Problems: ( health and smoking):

Harmful Effects Of Smoking:

Last Christmas I gave you my heart

But the very next day you gave it away?

This year to save me fro tears I'll give it to someone special …

Hasty climber Have sudden falls

Leave sleeping dogs lie .

It's everyone's guess.


thanks for visited our site and with the best wishes of A.K 2003-2004